Cardiac and vascular echography

Cardiovascular health

Metabolic diseases


Analytics lab

Mitochondrial function
« Biophysium, throught CRO services, is the support of your medical innovation for health preservation. Our experts and our different models will meet all your exceptations. »
Studies completed
Diseases models
Scientific publications
Who are we ?
Biophysium is an innovative company in the field of bio-health, with two main areas of activity :
- CRO services specializing in cardiovascular health and prevention of metabolic diseases.
- Research, innovative development and marketing of natural preventive products of metabolic diseases and e-health projetcs (AI software, 3D echocardiography).
Scientific and technical innovation
Functional exploration by imaging
Alimentation & Health
Human & Rodent
Presentation and services

Biophysium is an innovative bio-health company specialized in the conception and realization of pre-clinical (in and ex–vivo) and clinical research services for cardiovascular health, metabolic diseases prevention and nutraceutical. We support and guide you in your research for innovation in bio-health in order to increase visibility and scientific credibility of your unique project by providing a high level of evidence.
Biophysium has been able to develop numerous skills to investigate the effects of different protective strategies (nutraceutical, physical exercise, medication, etc.) on cardiovascular health and metabolic diseases, starting from evaluations at the cellular level up to clinical effects, through pre-clinical models. Thus, we offer you our skills in order to 1 / optimize processes or formulations, in particular based on natural substances, 2 / generate proofs of concept and finally 3 / test, develop and identify the mechanisms of action of molecules / micronutrients / formulations which impact the development of cardiovascular, metabolic and inflammatory diseases.
Biophysium wish to offer its clients, whether they are health, plant or biochemistry professionals, a full range of tailor-made experimental solutions adapted to your unique project. Flexibility, extremely reactivity and human-sized organization of our company allows us to design and implement specific protocols by combining our expertise, our innovative technicals and regulatory aspects.
All this allows us to provide you with the most appropriate and least costly answers for your project, in order to assess the potential of your drug candidate by effective studies.
Biophysium is particularly involved in the implementation, optimization and validation of new innovative models and technicals recognized by the scientific community to induce better predictability of results in order to anticipate clinical trials and improve their the success rate.
In addition to our research services, we can propose you consulting services, bibliographic monitoring, assistance in drafting of referrals for ethics committees, assistance in publication of scientific articles and specific adapted training to your needs.
Our values
Our internal quality policy guarantees you confidentiality, transparency and traceability of results within pre-defined deadlines to offer you rigorous high-quality solutions based on Good Practices Laboratory.
To ensure you optimal data quality, a total traceability and transparency, Biophysium follow a strict internal policy of calibrating laboratory equipment, laboratory notebook and specific animal monitoring sheets dedicated to each study, with the possibility of long-term sample archiving and preservation on demand and PhD experts providing you with their advice on the design and interpretation of results. All our procedures are regularly reviewed internally to be up to date with the latest recommendations to offer you the best quality of deliverable.
During your unique project, all the specific details of the experimental procedures will be described in a study plan and you will have a privileged relationship with a study director who will act as a relay with a multidisciplinary team assigned to your project.
Thus, customer satisfaction is our priority and our values are ethics, integrity, responsibility and innovation.

Ethic and regulation
Biophysium pays particular attention to sustainable development, health protection and the training of its employees, as well as to ethics and animal welfare.
Regular training of all our employees in our environmental management system enables us to minimise the impact of our activities by adopting the most energy-efficient and ecological options (water consumption, sorting and recycling of waste in particular). Hazardous waste such as solvents, chemical and biological waste is disposed of using specific procedures that comply with the latest European Union regulations.
All experimental procedures are carried out in strict compliance with the « Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals » described by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH, National Academies Press US, 8th edition, 2011) and in accordance with Directive 2010/63 EU of the European Parliament on the use of animals in laboratories, as well as the regulations of the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
The animal facility in which pre-clinical studies are conducted has been approved and authorised by the veterinary authorities and is regularly inspected.
All pre-clinical and clinical studies begin only after receiving the approval and validation of the ethics committee or the personal protection committee issued by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
Compulsory qualifications and ongoing staff training ensure that we are up to date with the latest BEA recommendations on rearing conditions, environmental enrichment, physical activity and animal care to reduce stress. All experiments are carried out in dedicated rooms that comply with the latest standards.
Biophysium actively supports the three Rs principle (Refine, Reduce, Replace) in pre-clinical research to minimise the use of laboratory animals and potentially painful or invasive procedures by favouring alternative methods.
News & Publications

Biophysium is happy to be a new member of the AFSSI
Biophysium is proud to be part of the " Association Française des Societés de Services et d'Innovation"
ICH E6(R2) and Good Clinical Practice Network
Biophysium is proud to be part of the Good Clinical Practice network. Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international ethical and scientific quality standard for the design and conduct of trials involving human subjects, and for the recording and reporting of trial...
Biophysium starts a new thesis in October 2024
Biophysium, in partnership with LaPEC, will start in October 2024 a new innovative thesis which will focus on the assessment of cardiac remodelling using innovative echocardiographic approaches based on three-dimensional myocardial analyses with the aim of studying...